Knowledge creation, wisdom acquisition and exemplary social behavior are dependent on each individual’s will. Human will is influenced by what an individual believes in. Belief is formed on basis of what each individual "considers as knowledge". Our views, attitudes and actions are reflection of our belief that resides in our heart.
So if the end objective of education is to nurture creative, intellectual, socially responsible human beings then qualitative aspect of education policy has to answer the following questions without ignoring the Quran:

1.       Is definition of education training of the human will and the intellect?
2.      To train the human will is development of belief based on knowledge necessary?
3.      Does belief based on knowledge lead to equality, freedom, and solidarity?(Basic requirement for a nation to progress)
4.      Does belief based on knowledge ease the performance of socially responsible behavior?
5.      Is there any reward associated with socially responsible behavior in life of this world?
6.      Does socially responsible behavior ease creation of knowledge?
7.      How does one acquire wisdom?
8.     For Muslims do actions have two parts - state of heart (intention) and the apparent action?
9.      Does state of heart (intention) matter? 
10.  How does the current system of education deal with the state of heart? 

Any nation can become epicenter of creativity, innovation and wisdom provided the educationists, educational psychologists, religious scholars, government decision makers and media answer these questions. The answers provide the theoretical framework to base the qualitative aspect of education policy.  We should not forget that all Muslims believe in what the Quran reveals. The issue is, are we bringing to people's attention the verses of the Quran that tell us about knowledge, wisdom and way to ease socially responsible behavior? Are we considering those verses of the Quran for formulation of qualitative aspect of our education policy? We need to develop the theoretical framework that is based on the answers to the above the questions so that our education impacts the life of the learner.




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