Education - Should it be about nurturing creative, critical thinking individuals who behave in a socially responsible way

How does our society define an educated person? Is it someone who has the ability to read, write and comprehend certain skills and then apply them in daily life to earn a living? Or is it someone who has the ability to read, write and comprehend certain skills and then apply them in daily life in a morally correct way to earn a living? Should education aid, assist and motivate the person to behave in a socially responsible way while putting the skills developed through the academic system into practice? Or should it just develop the skills required to earn a living without aiding, assisting or motivating the child to behave in a socially responsible way?

An education system that nurtures people who are experts in their fields but have no sound understanding of life is bound to evolve a dysfunctional society. Education has to take into account the multiple dimensions of this life if it intends to achieve the desired results. One of the verses of Quran tells us what education should focus on, if it considers socially responsible behavior, knowledge creation, wisdom and earning halal sustenance without compromising on the everlasting life after death as a goal:

Indeed whosoever purifies himself shall achieve success. (87:14)

Purifying oneself from disbelief, greed, lust, intolerance, selfishness, arrogance, impatience, hopelessness, hypocrisy and all despised traits while acquiring academic skills for application in daily life to earn a living requires training of our will. Not only does it ease doing good, it bring us in the position to earn knowledge and wisdom as a reward from Allah as stated in the following verse of the Quran:

And when Joseph reached maturity, We gave him judgment and knowledge. And thus We reward the doers of good. (12:22)

It also opens the doors of blessings of Allah that lead to increase in sustenance which has become the objective of life these days.

And if only the people of the cities had believed and feared Allah , We would have opened upon them blessings from the heaven and the earth; but they denied [the messengers], so We seized them for what they were earning. (7:96)

But how does one train the human will? How can the education system achieve this? Is it the current authoritarian style of teaching morality that will give the desired results? Or is it going to be reason in combination with motivational knowledge that would conquer societal pressures that promote socially irresponsible behavior that would give the desired results?

The paper below raises key questions whose answers provide the way to train the human will.


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